Rounding out the entries this year a small, but quality, field of three have entered the Award for Excellence in Organisation and People Development. These awards recognise organisational redesign, human resource management, leadership development or other means of building organisational or staff capability.

Horowhenua District Council have reimagined the way they ‘do security’ at their community facilities. The Kaitiaki programme is all about keeping things safe in a way that connects with but also uplifts the community.

Tauranga City Council has entered its leadership development programme. This is a five-step process to align the organisational culture and leadership to better deliver a $4.5 billion capital programme.

One of the features of the COVID and post-COVID environment has been an economy wide revaluation of the approach to work. Whakatāne District Council have submitted “Reimagining Work”, an organisation wide conversation around how the organisation wishes to work, now and in the future.

The winner of this Award, the six other category winners, and the LGFA Taituarā Local Government Excellence Supreme Award will be announced at the Taituarā Gala Dinner and Excellence Awards at the Dominion Museum, Wellington on 13 June. If you would like to be a part of this celebration of excellence, more information is available here.

The entrants have provided videos describing their entries. These can all be found at here.